Concourse Plaza Multiplex to close after 30 years leaving just 1 theater for Bronx residents

by ABC7 New York

ABC7 New York— After 30 years in business, the Concourse Plaza Multiplex is set to close its doors for good.

Gothamist—Extra Extra: The Bronx will soon have just 1 movie theater. Because the golden age of movie theaters has passed, here are your afternoon links: a UFO spotting, Meghan Markle's jam, a Brooklyn pastry shop that accepts EBT, and more from around the city and internet. [ more › ]

Fox Business—Today's 30-year mortgage rates plummet while 15-year mortgage rates rise | May 1, 2024. The interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 7.125% as of May 1, which is 0.375 percentage points lower than yesterday. Additionally, the interest rate on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage is 6.625%, which is 0.125 percentage points higher than yesterday. With mortgage rates changing daily, it’s a good idea to check today’s rate before applying for a loan. It’s also important to compare different lenders’ current interest rates, terms, and fees to ensure you get the best deal.  Rates last...

Cracked—This Heckler Rattled Jerry Seinfeld for 30 Years With Just Two Words. In 1993, a bored Bostonian shouted a roast so brief and so hurtful that Seinfeld still can’t forget the shame