Competitors squawk it out at European seagull screeching championship

by ABC7 San Francisco

ABC7 San Francisco— People young and old gathered in De Panne, Belgium, on April 21, for the European Championships of Gullscreeching.

dublinlive—Boy, 9, wins seagull screeching European championship after being bitten by one. Cooper, from Chesterfield in Derbyshire, was crowned the winner of the EC Gull Screeching competition in Belgium after scoring an impressive 92 points out of 100

BroBible—Kid Wins European Seagull Screeching Contest With A Performance For The Ages. The folks of England can carry their heads just a bit higher this year because they’ve just taken home one of the most prestigious titles in Europe. And no, I’m not talking about the Eurovision Song Contest Finals which are coming up in two weeks because the UK is going to get demolished. I’m referring […]

Cornwall Live—Boy, 9, named 'seagull screeching' champion after being bitten by one. Cooper was crowned the winner of the EC Gull Screeching competition in Belgium after scoring an impressive 92 points out of 100