Closed-door council meeting leads to big decisions regarding potential casino in Petersburg


WRIC— The Petersburg City Council chose a company to operate the proposed casino in a closed-door discussion Wednesday night, with some people in the Petersburg community saying they had no idea this topic was being discussed.

MYTWINTIERS—Elmira City Council silent after closed meeting on “personnel matter”. ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) - The Elmira City Council declined to make any public comments Thursday morning after holding a closed-door meeting on a "personnel matter involving employee performance." In a special meeting in the City Hall law library, the council voted unanimously to go into a private executive session. New York State Law allows for []

MYTWINTIERS—Elmira City Council to hold special closed meeting on “personnel matter”. ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) - The Elmira City Council is scheduled to hold a special meeting this Thursday at 10:45 a.m. at City Hall. A press release sent by the City Clerk on April 25th said the purpose of the meeting was to move into an "executive session" that is closed to the public. The press []

WRIC—Petersburg residents weigh in as City Council chooses developer for proposed casino. Petersburg residents are weighing in on the casino that could be on their ballots this November after the city’s decision to choose the Cordish Companies to operate it.