China creates new Information Support Force, scraps Strategic Support Force in ‘major’ shakeup

by Breaking Defense

Breaking Defense— A PLA spokesman said the Information Support Force "is a brand-new strategic arm of the PLA and a key underpinning of coordinated development and application of the network information system," which would seem to indicate a sharp focus on networks.

Breaking Defense—Why Xi created a new Information Support Force, and why now. “What does seem clear at this point is that the PLA recognizes that its reforms and modernization efforts are an ongoing effort, which will require further adjustments,” author Dean Cheng writes.

Washington Examiner—USDA and China are creating deadly new bird flus. An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian flu is ravaging the U.S. food supply, infecting birds in all 50 states and spreading to mammals including humans. Disturbing new reports show that it’s in Americans’ food now, too. Experts say “there is always a chance the virus may evolve to more easily transmit among humans.” Scary stuff. The bird flu outbreak has cost […]

Neowin—Microsoft outlines the changes from classic to new Teams clients in new support post. Microsoft has posted a new support page that outlines the changes from the old "classic" Teams client to the more recent "Teams 2.0" version including some features that are going away.