Chatbot answers are all made up. This new tool helps you figure out which ones to trust.

by MIT Technology Review

MIT Technology Review— Large language models are famous for their ability to make things up—in fact, it’s what they’re best at. But their inability to tell fact from fiction has left many businesses wondering if using them is worth the risk. A new tool created by Cleanlab, an AI startup spun out of a quantum computing lab at…

Small Business Trends—Wix Launches New Tool to Help Small Businesses Manage Contracts and Payments. Wix Proposals is designed to make it easier for small businesses to handle financial dealings over the long term, including sending out professional proposals and managing payment schedules.

Los Angeles Times—Summer heat is coming. Here's a new interactive tool to help you deal with your health conditions. Despite the cooler temperatures across Southern California, the summer heat is just months away and a new interactive tool is available to help you assess how the impending high temperatures can affect your health and suggest steps to take avoid heat-related illnesses. Due to climate change, hot weather is lasting longer and happening more frequently, said Dr. Aaron Bernstein, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Environmental Health and the Agency for...

Collider—No One Knew Who Made One of the Most Shocking Horror Movies for Years. The Last House on Dead End Street is an exploitation horror movie that the director didn't take credit for until years later.