Channel 4 tempted by second Fortune season

by C21media

C21media— NEWS BRIEF: Channel 4 in the UK has commissioned a second eight-episode season of its Tempting Fortune format, presented by Paddy McGuinness, from Voltage TV. In the format, contestants arrive in a rem

The Escapist—Diablo 4 Season 4 May Skip the Seasonal Mechanic. With so many changes in Diablo 4 Season 4, there may not be a true Seasonal mechanic for players to progress.

Charlie INTEL—Diablo 4 dev reveals how Season 4 will build on Season of Blood’s success. Diablo 4 players are eagerly waiting for Season 4 with high expectations following the successful launch of PTR, and Executive Producer Rod Fergusson revealed that the devs have been inspired by lessons learned during the highly acclaimed Season of Blood. Time's running out for Diablo 4 devs as Season 4 draws nearer, and Blizzard isn't only taking feedback from PTR to put together this new chapter. Season of the Construct was heavily criticized right from the beginning, and Executive...

VG247—Yup, Diablo 4's Season 4 is as light on content as it sounds, but the Season Journey has one neat new addition. Blizzard has spoken, and all mystery that might have existed around the next Diablo 4 season has been dispelled. During a developer livestream, Blizzard confirmed the extent of what you can expect in Season 4: Loot Reborn.In case that name wasn’t a good enough indication, the item and crafting overhauls a lot of players tested in the recent PTR are, indeed, all there is to it.