Carrier, the century-old inventor of the air conditioner, is moving on to the home heat pump


CNBC— Carrier is pivoting to capture the booming market for climate-friendly home heat pumps as federal and state government offer tax credits and rebates.

CNET—Which Type of Heat Pump Is Right for Your Home?. Beyond the two main groups of heat pumps, there are many different subtypes, each with their own pros and cons.

NDTV—Sony Launches Futuristic 'Wearable Air Conditioner' Gadget To Beat The Heat. Sony has unveiled a high-tech gadget- a futuristic body air conditioner that can be tucked into the back of your shirt.

The Guardian—Centuries-old cherries found hidden in bottles under floor at George Washington’s home. Archaeologist says cherries ‘can provide us with valuable insight and perspective into 18th-century lives’Archaeologists discovered centuries-old cherries surprisingly well-preserved inside two glass bottles stashed in George Washington’s historic Virginia home.They found the bottles during excavations as part of a major revitalization of the first US president’s mansion, known as Mount Vernon, the Washington Post reported. Continue reading