CANDLE (CANcer Distributed Learning Environment) is the R&D 100 winner of the day

by Research & Development

Research & Development— Developer: Argonne National Laboratory Co-developer: Oak Ridge, Lawrence Livermore, and Los Alamos National Laboratories, and Fredrick National Laboratory for Cancer Research The CANDLE software suite offers unparalleled deep learning benchmarks to evaluate the performance of new deep learning accelerator hardware. It also advances solutions for cancer researchers and other scientific applications. Moreover, complex workflows using…

Research & Development—Variorum: Vendor-Agnostic Computing Power Management is today's R&D 100 winner of the day. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Variorum is an open-source software library that enables users to access the power, energy, and performance metrics of low-level hardware dials across different architectures through vendor-neutral APIs. It is a key component of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP) and the Argo Project, which focuses on node-level power…

Benzinga—D.R. Horton, Netflix And 3 Stocks To Watch Heading Into Thursday - Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX), D.R. Horton (NY. With U.S. stock futures trading higher this morning on Thursday, some of the stocks that may grab investor focus today are as follows:

WCCB Charlotte—100-Year-Old British D-Day Veteran Dies Before He Can Honor Fallen Comrades One More Time. British army veteran Bill Gladden, one of the dwindling number of veterans who took part in the landings that kicked off the campaign to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis during World War II, died Wednesday. He was 100.