California assembly advances universal healthcare in bill that could double taxes

by The Center Square

The Center Square— (The Center Square) - The California Assembly Health Committee voted to advance a bill that would establish a universal healthcare board that would ban most private healthcare and require shifting the entire $405 billion annually spent on healthcare in California onto the state budget. As the state faces a $73 billion budget deficit, it is unclear which taxes would have to be adopted to absorb hundreds of billions of dollars in new costs. “With continued collaboration, California...

Zero Hedge—Bill Advances Calling For California To Issue Formal Apology For Slavery. span property="schema:name" class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden"Bill Advances Calling For California To Issue Formal Apology For Slavery/span div property="schema:text" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"pa...—Colorado legislature: Property tax agreement is elusive; land-use bills advance; medical malpractice deal. The Colorado legislature is returning Sunday during the final weekend of work in its 2024 session, set to end Wednesday. Among major pieces of legislation still pending are gun regulations, housing, land-use policy, transportation, property tax reform and other priorities.

@GreeleyTribune—Colorado legislature: Property tax agreement is elusive; land-use bills advance; medical malpractice deal. The Colorado legislature is returning Sunday during the final weekend of work in its 2024 session, set to end Wednesday. Among major pieces of legislation still pending are gun regulations, housing, land-use policy, transportation, property tax reform and other priorities.