By 2054, there will be 422,000 Americans over age 100. That poses a financial challenge


CNBC— People are living longer than ever, a dynamic that puts stress on the traditional notion of retirement savings.

WCCB Charlotte—Gaston County Dad Will Take His Kids To Disney World With $100,000 Win. A Kings Mountain man has a magical trip planned for his family after winning a $100,000 scratch-off prize Thursday morning.

CNBC—One personal decision can create a mess of financial challenges for transgender Americans—'it takes a lot of courage'. Changing your name can be a complicated, but important move for trans and nonbinary individuals. Making sure it doesn't hurt your wallet is even trickier.

Benzinga—Elon Musk Agrees Every American Household Will Have A $1,000-Per-Month Home Robot In 7 Years' Time. Elon Musk agrees with a podcast prediction that domestic robots will become common in middle-class American households within seven years, highlighting the tech industry's significant advancements in robotics. read more