Build a low-cost EV charging station with Arduino

by Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets— If you are just about to purchase a new electric vehicle charging station, you might be interested to know that you can build your very own EV charger using a little Arduino hardware. A step-by-step tutorial video has been created by Pedro Neves taking you through the process of constructing a functional and safe EV […]

CNET—There's Now 1 EV Charging Station for Every 5 Gas Stations in California. The state aims to remain a leader in electric-vehicle growth.

Green Car Reports—Flexible controls could boost EV charging station reliability. EVs and charging stations have aspired to provide EV drivers with something that rivals the turnaround time of gas stations. While charge rates are important, reliability and simply being able to get a charge, ultimately, are perhaps more important points that some charging networks seem to have glossed over in the process. According to a 2023

Green Car Reports—Survey: Local governments see EV charging as costly, lower-priority. More local governments across Michigan see EV charging as a relevant issue, but the number is still fairly low, according to a new University of Michigan survey, and those interested in EV charging see cost as a barrier. While the survey is Michigan-specific, it's the traditional hub of the auto industry and probably represents a greater awareness