Breaking News: FDA Says Bird Flu Discovered in Grocery Store Milk

by Breitbart

Breitbart— The Wellness Company and their new prescription Contagion Kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy.

CNET—FDA Update on Bird Flu Traces in Milk: What to Know About Pasteurized and Raw Milk. One in five milk samples across the US contained fragments of bird flu, the FDA says, but additional testing showed it's non-infectious.

Tech Times—Bird Flu in Milk? Early Tests Spark Caution, But FDA Reassures Consumers. The FDA has found that 20% of pasteurized milk samples contain bird flu residues, revealing milk supply chain contamination.

STAT—Pasteurization inactivates H5N1 bird flu in milk, new FDA and academic studies confirm. Extensive testing of pasteurized commercially purchased milk and other dairy products from 38 states found no evidence of live H5N1 bird flu virus.