Breakfast Cereals Scrutinized For Pesticide That May Harm Reproduction

by Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge— Breakfast Cereals Scrutinized For Pesticide That May Harm Reproduction Authored by Sina McCullough via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Imagine starting your day with a bowl of cereal that could be silently affecting your family’s health. Recent studies show that chlormequat, a pesticide linked to reproductive issues, has been found in popular breakfast cereals like Quaker Oats and Cheerios. As this substance infiltrates the American food supply, the potential risks to our health...—Warning that vaping may expose teens to URANIUM, lead and other toxic metals which may harm their brain. Both frequent and intermittent e-cigarette users had higher lead levels in their urine than those who vaped occasionally, the study of US teenagers found.

Tuoi Tre News Video—Breakfast @ Tuoi Tre News — May 3. Good morning from Vietnam!

Tuoi Tre News Video—Breakfast @ Tuoi Tre News — May 1. Good morning from Vietnam!