Boeing failures are a case study of America's manufacturing "dark age"

by @Marketplace

@Marketplace— A century ago, U.S manufacturers were run by engineers. Now leadership suites are distant from factory floors, says journalist Jerry Useem.

RussiaFeed—How America’s Military-Industrial Complex Wins All of Its Wars Against America’s Taxpayers. Eric Zuesse (blogs at As has been documented by such authorities on U.S. military spending as Winslow T. Wheeler, Robert Higgs, and others, America spends each year around $1.5 trillion for its military but hides at least around $800 billion of it (so as for the U.S. not to be publicly recognized as spending […]—The Dark Universe was “biggest failure” of The Mummy director’s life. 2017's ill-advised Mummy reboot starring Tom Cruise led to an infamous photoshoot and botched launch of what should have been a whole Dark Universe starring Russell Crowe as Dr Jekyll, Johnny Depp as the Invisible Man, and Javier Bardem as Frankenstein's Monster. Unfortunately, the monster movie was a critical and commercial failure, leading to the entire concept to be abandoned. Continue reading The Dark Universe was “biggest failure” of The Mummy director’s...

Fortune—American Airlines CEO fumes at Boeing’s failures—’Get your act together’. Boeing’s production problems have taken a toll on airline earnings and some are luckier than others.