Blood test could detect osteoarthritis in the knees eight years before it appears on X-rays

by— The condition - thought to affect more than five million people in the UK - occurs when cartilage in the knee joint breaks down, causing it to become painful and stiff.

Tech Times—AI Test Anticipates Knee Osteoarthritis Years in Advance, Offering Hope for Early Intervention. Instead of waiting for signs, doctors can now use a simple blood test, a major medical breakthrough that could help people get treatment sooner.

ExtremeTech—New Test Detects Cancer In Minutes Using Just 1 Drop of Dried Blood. Though the test is in its infancy, it could someday be used to spot three of cancer's deadliest forms.—Mother, 62, is diagnosed with world's deadliest cancer years in advance thanks to artificial-intelligence-powered blood test: 'AI saved my life, I won the lottery'. Dianne Balon had deeper analysis of her blood tests done by Molecular You. Changes in the tests prompted her to get an ultrasound, which found a lesion. READ MORE: How white poop was a