Bird-Flu, Censorship, & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions For "The Next Pandemic"

by Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge— Bird-Flu, Censorship, & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions For "The Next Pandemic" Authored by Kit Knightly via, Earlier this month the White House published its new “Pandemic Preparedness” targets. They are far from alone in covering this. Back in March, Sky News was asking: “Next pandemic is around the corner,’ expert warns – but would lockdown ever happen again?” On April 3rd, the Financial Times asked something similar: “The next pandemic is coming. Will we be...

Mashable—7 days with Rabbit R1: 7 things it does terribly — and 7 things it does well. I've spent seven days so far with the Rabbit R1. Here are seven things it does terribly — and seven things it does well.

Vox—Bird flu: What we know (and don’t) about its potential to cause a human pandemic. Last year, when an H5N1 avian flu virus — commonly known as bird flu — was spilling over from bird populations into a variety of wild mammals, Seema Lakdawala, a virologist and influenza A transmission specialist at Emory University, was “not overly concerned” about human risk. We don’t have “much of an interface with seals or with foxes, for that matter, or polar bears,” she says. But when it comes to cows, that interface is vast. People on dairy farms regularly interact with cows and their...

The Independent—‘Very warm’ days on their way to Britain as Met Office predicts high temperatures next week. Temperatures may soar to 25C by the end of next week