Biden signs bill that would ban TikTok if ByteDance fails to sell the app

by TechCrunch

TechCrunch— President Biden has signed a bill that would ban TikTok if its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, fails to sell it within a year. The bill, which includes aid for Ukraine and Israel, was passed by the U.S. Senate in a 79-18 vote late Tuesday after the House passed it with overwhelming majority over the weekend. […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

9to5Mac—Biden signs bill that bans TikTok if ByteDance doesn't sell. President Joe Biden has officially signed off on a bill that requires TikTok parent company to divest the app within the next nine months. Should ByteDance fail to do so, TikTok would effectively be banned in the United States and removed from Apple’s App Store. more

Entrepreneur—The TikTok Ban Bill Has Been Signed — Here's How Long ByteDance Has to Sell, and Why TikTok Is Preparing for a Legal Battle. President Biden signed a bill that states if TikTok doesn't cut ties with its China-based parent company ByteDance over the next nine months to a year, it will be banned in the U.S.

NBC News—TikTok creators react to Biden signing ban-or-sell law: ‘We don’t want a TikTok ban’. TikTok creators weren’t surprised to hear that President Joe Biden signed into law a bill that could lead to a TikTok ban, but they’re close to unanimous in their belief that the federal government is wrong to push the legislation forward. For almost four years, since July 2020, a potential TikTok ban has been under consideration by members of the federal government. A bipartisan bill to ban TikTok in the U.S. was first proposed in December 2022, and the version that was just signed into law has...