Bend-Redmond Habitat for Humanity to host Women's Build Week in Redmond


KTVZ— REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Bend-Redmond Habitat for Humanity is excited to host Women’s Build Week May 13-18th in Redmond. Women’s Build is a week-long volunteer project open to anyone who wants to learn new skills and help build Habitat homes. This event brings the community together to make a difference while providing much-needed opportunities for

MYTWINTIERS—Chemung County Habitat for Humanity to hold Women Build 2024. ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) -- Women from the Elmira area will be coming together to work on a Habitat for Humanity home during Mother's Day weekend. Women Build 2024 invites women of all ages, backgrounds, and skill sets to spend a day serving their community while learning new skills, supporting other women, and having fun. This []

The Guardian—Chelsea’s Champions League dreams dashed – Women’s Football Weekly. Faye Carruthers is joined by Sophie Downey, Emma Sanders and Chris Slegg to discuss the second legs in the Women’s Champions League semi-finals, the weekend’s WSL action and focus on Crystal Palace’s ascentOn today’s episode, the panel discuss the Champions League semi-finals as a record attendance at Stamford Bridge in a women’s game witnessed Chelsea bowing out Barcelona. A departing Emma Hayes let her feelings be known following the game, but were the refereeing decisions fair?The panel also...

TheBlaze—Biden’s bend to trans activism leaves women’s sports in turmoil. Over the past year, I’ve had numerous conversations with people, including family members, who believe the whole transgender issue is a big old nothing-burger. They say it’s just another political football used to score points with the right to drum up rage and, ultimately, votes. I wish that were true. In its never-ending genuflection to extreme activists, the Biden administration continues to undo years of women’s rights efforts with the single stroke of a pen. Late last week, Biden, in...