Bar Z Winery to host wine-tasting fundraiser benefitting H.A.R.T. mentorship program


MYHIGHPLAINS— Bar Z Winery released information on its upcoming fundraiser on May 11, set to benefit the H.A.R.T. mentorship program which aids teens at-risk or experiencing homelessness in the area.

The Guardian—Australian cask wine taste test: ‘I could pour this here at the bar – no problem at all’. Sommelier Samantha Payne swills her way through nine glasses of red ‘chateau cardboard’, and uncovers aromas of ‘the Gold Coast in the 80s’ and ‘overcooked rhubarb’If you value our independent journalism, we hope you’ll consider supporting us todayGoon sack, goon bag or, simply, goon. Cask wine is deeply ingrained in the Australian ethos and vernacular (it’s also an Australian invention), long associated with “two-buck chuck”, cheap wine for cooking or uni students on a budget. But its negative...—Bar or no bar, Morristown podiatrist won’t be hotfooting out of town just yet. The Walsh family aims to buy Dr. Nathan Sabin's building on South Street for a restaurant and bar.

One Green Planet—Why Spring Cleaning Won’t Benefit Your Health. Experts fear that disinfecting everything could have some detrimental impacts on our health as people confuse being clean with hygiene regimes.