As bird flu spreads in cows, here are 4 big questions scientists are trying to answer

by NPR

NPR— Health officials say there's very little risk to humans from the bird flu outbreak among dairy cattle, but there's still much they don't know. Here are four questions scientists are trying to answer.—CDC, FDA, USDA answer big questions about the growing bird flu outbreak. Representatives with multiple agencies including the CDC, the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration on May 1 discussed the latest news about bird flu in the U.S.—Scientists' research answers big question about our system's largest planet. New discoveries about Jupiter could lead to a better understanding of Earth's own space environment and influence a long-running scientific debate about the solar system's largest planet.

Nature—Bird flu virus has been spreading in US cows for months, RNA reveals. Genomic analysis suggests that the outbreak probably began in December or January, but a shortage of data is hampering efforts to pin down the source.