Are Processed Foods Harmful? Debunking Myths and Misconceptions


CNET— Two little words have become a catch-all for unhealthy eating. In reality, processed food is far more nuanced.

Drudge Report—Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are harming our health – here’s what to eat instead. It seems like only yesterday we could enjoy our toast and cereal in the morning without a care in the world. Not anymore. Research published in the The British Medical Journal (BMJ) shows that eating a lot of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) such as sugary cereals, ready meals and fizzy drinks has been linked to poor mental health and a greater risk of dying from heart issues.

KTVZ—Debunking 5 common supplement myths. Live It Up consulted various reputable sources like Johns Hopkins Medicine, Penn Medicine, and more to get the low-down on five common supplement myths.

New York Post—These processed foods could lead to early death: study. The study, published Wednesday in The BMJ journal, analyzed data from over 100000 health professionals with no history of diseases like...