Architecture of Cities: Primary Colors, Yellow

by— I have hundreds of thousands of visual diaries archived away. I am much more of a visual dreamer than I am a visual diarist: Maybe I am mostly a lion tamer of visual captures. There is a primal scream that no known creature can hear it: The scream is engaged to a moment when I espy More—Sheffield primary schools: 13 city primary schools handing out the most suspensions revealed. Suspending children from school is something we rarely see from educators, especially at primary level. Teachers aim to keep kids in school, where they are safe, fed and learning. However, for a multitude of reasons, senior leadership can and do decide to temporarily suspend pupils from school. Suspensions and permanent exclusions data, published in a package in April 2024, includes figures revealing which Sheffield primary schools handed out the most suspensions in the 2021-22 academic...—Sheffield Primary Schools: The 7 city primary schools to issue permanent exclusions to pupils. It is extremely rare for educators to decide that a pupil cannot return to their schools - it is the absolute last resort, when all other options have been exhausted. Children must be in education. It is a legal requirement and means if a child is subject to a permanent exclusion from one school then the local authority must arrange full-time education as soon as possible. They are so rare that in Sheffield only seven of the 153 primary schools within the local authority issued them in the...—Architecture of Cities: Truman Capote. Truman Capote is dead: The Slow loris observer of New York in modern times. The magic is in what will be and certainly what was the night before: The moment begins with the arrival of the yellow taxi in the midst of a misty dawn; The hovering mist waited not in the chords of Moon River, More