Answering Musk’s and Bezos’s Attacks on Workers’ Rights

by Labor 411

Labor 411— The following piece by Harold Meyerson appeared in The American Prospect. For left-of-center policy wonks, this is shaping up as a banner week. Here in Washington, the journal Democracy is holding a “Middle-Out Economics” conference, featuring a host of progressive economists, Biden administration appointees, union think-tankers, and political consultants who grapple with the conundrum of how to… Source

The Guardian—Spain’s PM Sánchez could quit after far-right attacks on wife and bid to ‘politically kill’ him. Socialist prime minister poised to decide on his future, but some say it’s ploy to surviveOn Monday, Pedro Sánchez, the great and unpredictable survivor of Spanish politics, and a leader who has seen off more than his fair share of rivals, critics and adversaries, will reveal whether or not he intends to carry on as prime minister.The announcement will come five days after the socialist prime minister shocked Spain by posting a four-page cri de coeur on social media in which he said that the...

MadameNoire—St. Louis Man Arrested And Charged For Allegedly Stomping On 15-Year-Old McDonald’s Worker In Brutal Attack. 15-year-old Aryiah Lynch is recovering after video footage captured Johnny Ricks allegedly punching, dragging, and stompingher in the McDonald’s parking lot.

Breitbart—Video: Ilhan Omar Cites 'Right-Wing Attacks,' Greets Suspended Daughter at Columbia’s ‘Anti-War Encampment’. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was seen on social media Thursday greeting her daughter during an anti-Israel protest at Columbia University, saying she was there with students in solidarity against "right-wing attacks."