America’s Now Evident Plan to Use AUKUS to Spark War With China

by RussiaFeed

RussiaFeed— Eric Zuesse (blogs at There was much concern, in international circles, about the the U.S. Government’s recent efforts to open a NATO office in Tokyo so as to extend its military alliance against Russia to become also a military alliance against China. When that initiative scared some other NATO members, it was stopped, and […]

RussiaFeed—How America’s Military-Industrial Complex Wins All of Its Wars Against America’s Taxpayers. Eric Zuesse (blogs at As has been documented by such authorities on U.S. military spending as Winslow T. Wheeler, Robert Higgs, and others, America spends each year around $1.5 trillion for its military but hides at least around $800 billion of it (so as for the U.S. not to be publicly recognized as spending […]

The Federalist—Two Years And $113 Billion Later, D.C.’s ‘America Last’ Crew Has No Plan For Ending The Russia-Ukraine War. You don't have to be a Putin stooge to see that dumping endless U.S. funds into Kyiv without proper oversight is a terrible idea.

The Independent—Javier Milei’s austerity plan hits Argentina’s universities and sparks student protests. Milei is slashing spending across the country in his drive to reach zero deficit, leaving even elite universities struggling to keep lights on