America’s crisis of repetition is hurting national security

by Breaking Defense

Breaking Defense— In this op-ed, Nadia Schadlow calls for an end to the "mind-numbing cycle of far too many studies coming out of the Pentagon and the US government as a whole — with little progress on implementation."—America’s National Security Future is Looking Dismal. The post-World War II situation is replete with bipartisan examples of failed national security decisions: John F. Kennedy’s Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961; Lyndon B. Johnson’s Americanization of the Vietnam War; Richard Nixon’s secret invasion of Cambodia in 1970; Ronald Regan’s stationing of Marines in Lebanon and Iran-Contra; George W. Bush’s abrogation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Global War on Terror, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq; Barack Obama’s regime change policy in Libya;...

MSNBC—The Supreme Court’s decision in Trump’s immunity case could take a sledgehammer to our national security. Imagine a large group of activists assembled outside the White House, peacefully protesting a recent decision by the president. They are waving signs denouncing the new policy, holding banners demanding change and chanting slogans about that president. As their numbers begin to swell, as their voices grow louder, the president issues an order to military commanders: Take them out. Our military leadership would then be faced with an impossible choice. They’d either have to follow the clearly...

RussiaFeed—How America’s Military-Industrial Complex Wins All of Its Wars Against America’s Taxpayers. Eric Zuesse (blogs at As has been documented by such authorities on U.S. military spending as Winslow T. Wheeler, Robert Higgs, and others, America spends each year around $1.5 trillion for its military but hides at least around $800 billion of it (so as for the U.S. not to be publicly recognized as spending […]