Albuquerque elementary school students plant flowers at the Alvarado Transit Center

by KRQE News 13

KRQE News 13— “I think the main thing is getting them to realize that even though they’re little, they have a really big impact in our community.”

The Daily Iowan—Hills Elementary students to move to Alexander Elementary School after closure. Iowa City Community School District teachers are working behind the scenes to transition Hills Elementary School students to Alexander Elementary School by this fall following the school’s closure. Starting this fall, all Hills students will attend Alexander Elementary School at ​​3571 Sycamore St., along with six teachers and 10 support staff. Alexander is almost three

@morningjournal—Tree planted in memory of Royalview Elementary student. Royalview Elementary School staff and students recently hosted a tree planting ceremony in memory of Camden Hauge, a 10-year-old fourth-grader who died unexpectedly last year. Principal Cyndi Tomassetti described Camden as a delightful student who was always happy, had a great smile daily and enjoyed school with his friends, and his teachers. In addition to […]

ABC Columbia—Claflin University awards $20,000 scholarships to 15 elementary school students. The fourth and fifth graders took part in an "MLK Oratory Competition" -- reciting a three to five minute long speech from memory.