Airlines will now be required to give automatic cash refunds for canceled and delayed flights


KLFY— The Biden administration issued final rules Wednesday to require airlines to automatically issue cash refunds for things like delayed flights and to better disclose fees for baggage or canceling a reservation. The Transportation Department said airlines will be required to provide automatic cash refunds within a few days for canceled flights and “significant” delays. Under []

KHON2—Flight delayed or canceled? Airlines have to give you an automatic refund now. “Passengers deserve to know upfront what costs they are facing and should get their money back when an airline owes them - without having to ask,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement.

BroBible—New Rules Will Force Airlines To Give Passengers Cold, Hard Cash For Canceled And Delayed Flights. If you’ve ever encountered a setback while flying, you likely know airlines aren’t exactly scrambling to dole out compensation to passengers who’ve been inconvenienced. Thankfully, it seems like we’re about to enter a new era courtesy of government regulations that will make it easier to get paid if your flight is canceled or delayed. There […]

Simplemost—Airlines now have to give you cash instead of voucher for cancelled flight. Under the new rule, airlines must automatically refund passengers for changed flights, delayed baggage and services not provided.