• Google Maps goes eco-friendly, suggests you walk or take public transport when times match

    Google Maps will start showing suggestions to walk or take public transport when the times of both options match.

  • Google goes all in on generative AI at Google Cloud Next

    Not to minimize what Google had on display, but the company failed to give all but a passing nod to its core business — except in the context of generative AI, of course. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

  • Google Drive goes to the dark side.

    Google is finally rolling out support for dark mode on Google Drive. Over the next two weeks, all personal and Workspace users will have the option to work in the dark by going to Drive > Appearance > Dark. [Attachment: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/vDrct9RUAP_jlnERfeIacmV5i6w=/0x0:1600x900/1600x900/filters:focal(800x450:801x451)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25403067/Dark_mode_now_available_in_Google_Drive_web.jpeg]

  • City Borders on Google Maps – Here’s How To View Them

    Identifying city borders on Google Maps is important for different purposes, from urban planning and real estate to travel and local governance. Today, I’ll show you how to find them easily! How To View City Borders on Google Maps Google Maps doesn’t show the borders of a city by default. Here’s how you can activate […]

  • How to turn on 3D buildings in Google Maps navigation

    Google Maps has added a new, "Show 3D buildings" feature to its Navigation settings.

  • Change Contrast on Google Maps – Simple Guide

    Wondering how to change the contrast on Google Maps? The default contrast settings may not suit everyone’s needs, especially under varying lighting conditions. Unfortunately, Google Maps doesn’t offer a built-in feature to adjust it directly within the app or website. But I have a solution.  How To Change Contrast on Google Maps You can use […]

  • Google Maps Only Showing Steps – How To Fix It With Ease

    If Google Maps is only showing steps instead of the full map view, don’t fret. It usually happens when your phone is connected to Apple CarPlay, or because you haven’t granted it location permissions. The good news is that I have solutions! How To Fix Google Maps Only Showing Steps First, you can try out […]

  • Google Maps Suggest An Edit Flow Updated

    Google has updated the Suggest an edit feature within Google Maps business listings. Google said the new flow is "easier" and should help make updates to the Google Maps data.Google posted about this change over here and explained how the flow now works:Search for a place or select it on the map. Select “Suggest an edit” from the place listing. Select the item you wish to update, like the business name or operating hours. Make a change or select “Don't know, but this is incorrect” if you...

  • Paulo Avelino goes viral as elevator operator for a day

    Kapamilya actor Paulo Avelino surprised mallgoers as he posed as an elevator assistant in a mall recently.

  • Create a Bike Route on Google Maps – Quick Guide

    Wondering how to create a bike route on Google Maps? Whether you’re commuting, exercising, or exploring, here’s how you can tailor your journey to your cycling needs. How To Create a Bike Route on Google Maps That’s it! Simple, right? So, now you know how to create a bike route on Google Maps. Thanks to […]

  • Google Maps Black Screen Issue – Here’s How To Fix It!

    Encountering a random Google Maps black screen can be frustrating, especially when relying on it for directions or planning routes. This issue could arise due to Google Chrome extensions or plugins interfering with Maps, hardware acceleration slowing down performances, and other factors. Luckily, it’s fairly easy to resolve it. Just follow my lead! How To […]

  • Protester Threatening to 'Murder' City Council Goes Viral

    A video of a protester threatening members of a California city council with murder has gone viral after it was shared online by conservative social media accounts.The protester, identified by local media as 28-year-old Riddhi Patel, was arrested inside Bakersfield City Council chambers on Wednesday and later charged with felony counts for her threats to the council.Patel, who can be heard in the video mentioning Palestinians, made the threats while she spoke during a portion of the council...