A Second Biden Term Would Be A Gift To Red China

by The Federalist

The Federalist— If not effectively challenged, Xi's goal of making China the world's leading superpower by 2049 may become reality sooner than expected.

Zero Hedge—The Gloves Will Come Off In A Second Biden Term. The Gloves Will Come Off In A Second Biden Term Authored by David Keltz via American Greatness, If you believe, correctly, that the entirety of Joe Biden’s presidency has been one unmitigated disaster after another - not only for the American citizenry, but for the United States’ standing on the world stage and for our allies around the globe who have embraced the cause of freedom and religious liberty - fasten your seatbelts, because you haven’t seen anything yet. If you...

The Hill—Evening Report — Biden makes case for second term in rare live interview. A quick recap of the day and what to look forward to tomorrow{beacon} Evening Report {date(‘EEEE, MMMM d’,time(“now”))} © Allison Robbert/TheHill; Associated Press Bid

RussiaFeed—Odessa, May 2. China crosses Biden red line. Saudi-US nuclear deal. EU warns Georgia. https://youtu.be/rt_Ry2Omaf8