by RussiaFeed

RussiaFeed— Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) An anonymous and undated brief review of Christopher Simpson’s 1988 masterpiece BLOWBACK book about the subterranean CIA-led infection of racist imperialistic fascism, or ideological nazism, into and permeating the post-WW2 U.S. Government and culture under the guise of ‘anti-communism’ but really for achieving ultimately a conquest of the entire world […]

WTRF—U.S. Senators call for investigation into U.S. Steel’s sale to Japanese company. WEIRTON, W.Va. (WTRF) -- In December, the Pittsburgh-based steel company U.S. Steel agreed to sell the company to Japan’s largest steel manufacturer, Nippon Steel. Now, two U.S. Senators are calling on President Biden to look deeper into this sale and the effects it could have on the country. Just months after U.S. Steel agreed to []

RussiaFeed—U.S. foreign policy isolates the U.S.. https://youtu.be/WWi-dhKxLFA

RussiaFeed—The Crucial Role that the ‘Nonprofits’ (‘Charities’ “NGOs”) Owned by U.S. Billionaires, Play in Fomenting ‘Revolutions’ (Coups) Abroad for the U.S.. Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) The way that the U.S. empire expands its control into targeted countries so as to perpetrate coups that formerly the CIA had been doing (such as, most famously, in Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, and Chile 1973 — all of which replaced a democratically elected progressive leader by a fascist dictator […]