A conservative quest to limit diversity programs gains momentum in states


KEYT— A conservative quest to limit diversity programs gains momentum in states

Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy LLP—United States: State Department Releases FY 2025 Diversity Visa Lottery Winners Tomorrow. Starting at noon ET on May 4, 2024, lottery entrants must check the State Department’s official Diversity Visa Lottery website to learn whether they have been chosen to apply for a diversity visa. Entrants may experience delays accessing the official website due to heavy user traffic.

TRISTATEHOMEPAGE—Deputies state woman was 4x over limit before rollover. A woman was arrested after authorities say she was over four times the legal limit when she crashed.

www.duluthnewstribune.com—Bike Swap gains momentum as more cyclists recycle. The event will take place at Continental Ski and Bike on April 27-28. All proceeds will benefit the Duluth Devo Mountain Bike Program.