A battery that can recharge in seconds: Researchers use supercapacitor parts to build a new type of sodium-ion battery

by TechSpot

TechSpot— Sodium-ion batteries aren't new, but they've only started to gain traction in recent years. Compared to their lithium counterparts, the materials used in sodium batteries are far more abundant (up to 1,000 more plentiful) and affordable. They are also much safer than lithium-ion batteries, and can be discharged to 0VRead Entire Article

The Independent—Scientists build battery that can charge in seconds. Breakthrough battery can be used in everything from electric cars to smartphones

Phys.org—Crucial building blocks of life on Earth can more easily form in outer space, says new research. The origin of life on Earth is still enigmatic, but we are slowly unraveling the steps involved and the necessary ingredients. Scientists believe life arose in a primordial soup of organic chemicals and biomolecules on the early Earth, eventually leading to actual organisms.

Phys.org—Researcher: Climate models can run for months on supercomputers—but my new algorithm can make them ten times faster. Climate models are some of the most complex pieces of software ever written, able to simulate a vast number of different parts of the overall system, such as the atmosphere or ocean. Many have been developed by hundreds of scientists over decades and are constantly being added to and refined. They can run to over a million lines of computer code—tens of thousands of printed pages.