25 years after Columbine, trauma shadows survivors of the school shooting

by The Independent

The Independent— A quarter of a century after the Columbine High School shooting, the trauma from the attack has remained with survivors

The Independent—Columbine High School survivors can’t believe that the shootings haven’t stopped 25 years later. Since 1999, the name of a Colorado high school has been tragically enshrined in the public consciousness – and has become synonymous with mass shootings. But those left reeling by the massacre at Columbine have watched in horror as mass shootings are replicated over and over again across the US, writes Sheila Flynn

WNYC—The Columbine Shooting's Impact On Survivors and Families 25 Years Later. Students at Columbine High School in 1999 are now parents of students themselves. CPR's Nathaniel Minor reported in 2019 how that experience is shaping the way they relate to their kids today.

Los Angeles Times—Opinion: It's been 25 years since Columbine. This is what we're still getting wrong about school shootings. Twenty-five years ago on April 20, 1999, one teacher and 12 students were shot and killed by two seniors at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. Another 21 members of the Columbine school community were injured in this shooting and countless lives devastated. That kind of mass violence — and in a school no less — was unthinkable at the time. Yet the past quarter-century has tragically and frustratingly shown that we have failed to keep schoolchildren safe. The communities of Newtown, Conn.,...