10 U.S. cities where living with a roommate can save you more than $700 a month


KTVZ— SmartAsset ranked 100 of the largest cities by calculating the amount saved when splitting rent on a two-bedroom apartment versus renting a one-bedroom apartment alone.

CNBC—Top 10 U.S. cities for eco-conscious living—they're almost all on the West Coast. Of the top 10 greenest cities in America, eight are on the West Coast.

KTVZ—10 U.S. cities where residents are happiest. SmartAsset evaluated 90 of the largest U.S. cities across 11 variables spanning personal finance, well-being and quality of life.

CNBC—Here are the top 10 smartest cities in the world — and none are in the U.S.. The 2024 Smart City Index, by IMD World Competitiveness Center and the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO), ranked 142 smart cities around the world.