10 popular international fast food chains that are growing in the US


KTVZ— American consumers have plenty of restaurant options from abroad. Stacker compiled a list of 10 international food chains that have expanded into the U.S.

One Green Planet—10 Most Popular Dog Parks in the US. Dog parks have become quintessential spaces where our furry friends can frolic, socialize, and enjoy the great outdoors.

The Philippine Star—Fast food chain relaunches 'Night Classroom' for students amid summer heat. International fast food chain McDonald's relaunched its "Night Classroom" initiative, offering students more spaces where they can study.

dailym.ai—Fast food chains have found a way to get around ever-rising minimum wages. $20-an-hour mininum wage for fast food workers in California began April 1. Workers have already complained of getting fewer hours since then. Chains like Burger King are rolling out more digital ordering kiosks to cut staff