Should I Prioritize Insurance Costs When Choosing Cars for My Teenagers?

by— What factors should you prioritize when considering a vehicle for your teenager? Price, perhaps. Safety comes to mind. Fuel efficiency? Maybe. These days, the cost of insurance probably needs to make your list. The make and model of the vehicle isn’t the only factor when it comes to the cost of your insurance premiums. But […]

Skillet—You Might Need Car Insurance Even If You Don't Own a Car. If you don’t own a car, you don’t need car insurance—unless you borrow, rent, or share a vehicle regularly. Then you might need non-owner car insurance.

Honolulu Star-Advertiser—Why is car insurance so expensive?. If your car broke down two years ago, it probably became a bigger problem than you bargained for.

KHON2—Electric cars are driven the least while costing the most. When comparing how many miles people drive gasoline, hybrid and electric vehicles, 3-year-old gas cars are driven 12,813 miles a year while EVs are driven 20 percent less, or 10,256 miles.